Monday, May 9, 2011

Incarcerated Women's Weaving

"Women are the fastest growing segment of the burgeoning jail and prison population in the United States. Since 1980, female numbers have increased at twice the rate of men's -- and Texas now has more incarcerated women than any other state.

Few incarcerated women have committed violent offenses; their primary pathway to incarceration is substance abuse. Poverty, trauma, mental health issues and addiction are interrelated problems in their lives - and these problems are often exacerbated by their incarceration.

Evidence shows that gender-sensitive rehabilitative programs that address the issues underlying addiction can make a positive difference in the lives of these marginalized women. But in a correctional system designed for and dominated by men, women remain an underserved population.

For more than three years, Resolana has provided holistic woman-centered programming to incarcerated women at Dallas County Jail and, previously, at Dawson State Jail. Resolana turns women's time in custody into an opportunity to acquire the insight and self-discipline, skills and confidence to begin turning their lives around. For many, it is the best - or the only - opportunity they will ever have."
(more here and here)

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